Chapter 232: Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives
Chapter 232: A Father’s Anxiety
Master Shen knew that because of Suisui’s situation, Physician Liu held little regard for the Marquis Jinyang's household—and he himself didn’t hold them in high esteem, either.
When his niece was set to marry into the Xie family, Master Shen had weighed this matter carefully. The current wife of Minister Xie, Xie’s stepmother, was the sister of the Marquis Jinyang, which meant a complicated link to that household. However, the Xie family was reputable and the young couple was agreeable, so the marriage proceeded.
Since Master Shen’s niece would become the head Madam in charge, she was bound to have interactions with Xie’s stepmother. Fortunately, Madam Xu didn’t pose much trouble herself, but the Marquis Jinyang’s family had a habit of stirring things up occasionally.
Master Shen’s expression darkened—how did it escalate to injuring his niece? He was a man of integrity, but this time he couldn't help but feel a personal grudge. After thinking it over, he whispered, “Do you have a solution?”
Physician Liu gave a sly smile. “If the Marquis’s family still has time to cause trouble at Xie’s household, maybe they’re not occupied enough.”
Master Shen didn’t fully grasp the suggestion, leaning forward respectfully. “Please enlighten me.”
Physician Liu waved it off. “I hear the Marquis has a mistress who’s expecting. If they could find a reason to bring her into the main household, things would surely get lively.”
Master Shen blinked in surprise. On second thought—this was sneaky, but effective. He smiled, feeling somewhat cheered.
After some more discussion, they parted ways.
That evening, Suisui was exhausted from a full day of play. She had a quiet meal, spent a little time with her brothers, and fell asleep during her medicinal bath. Aunt Xiang, stayed close by, holding Suisui’s head to keep her from slipping into the tub. When it was time, Aunt Xiang dried her, dressed her in sleepwear, and tucked her into bed.
The previous night, Prince Qi had spent the night with Concubine Meng. Tonight, however, he refused to leave, wanting to stay in the room next to Suisui’s. His wife, Qi Wangfei, came to check on Suisui and, seeing the child sleeping peacefully, returned to her chambers.
As soon as she entered, Prince Qi anxiously asked, “Is Suisui asleep? Did she sleep well?” He continued with concern, “She didn’t eat much for dinner. Maybe her appetite is off? I should have asked Physician Liu to stay the night.”
Qi Wangfei looked at him, slightly exasperated. “Children’s appetites fluctuate; it's normal. Physician Liu already mentioned that as long as she isn’t overly hungry, she’s fine. No need to worry.”
While the Prince understood this reasoning, he couldn't shake his worry. He thought of his own poor health and the limited years he might have left, despite all the medicinal baths and treatments provided by the imperial physicians. What if he couldn’t live long enough to see Suisui grow up and marry?
Wait… marry? His Suisui would eventually marry someone? Which rascal would be worthy?
Well, he would have to live as long as possible to make sure she had protection. No one should think that his Suisui would be without her father’s watchful eye. He’d love to see who would dare to mistreat her.
This thought filled the Prince with sadness. Already troubled by his declining health, he now felt a new sorrow as he pictured Suisui someday leaving to marry. He grasped the Princess’s hand, tears welling up.
The Princess sighed, having seen this side of him before. She knew that if she didn’t calm him, his tears would flood the entire palace. After soothing him for a long while, the Prince finally fell into a fitful sleep.
The next morning, Suisui awoke refreshed and was suddenly struck with regret—she’d fallen asleep without hearing a bedtime story! She’d planned to listen to one and then retell it to her new friend, Sister Tang.
Pouting, she was carried by Aunt Xiang to start the day.
After a rainy day, the sun shone bright, the air warm and clear. After washing up and dressing in new clothes, Suisui hurried to find her mother. Qi Wangfei was discussing the lovely weather with her husband, wondering if they should take the concubines out to the estate to enjoy the scenery.
Prince Qi had lingering discomfort about their private residence after recent events, but the idea of going to a scenic estate was appealing—better than idling at the palace.
Their planning was interrupted by Suisui’s cheerful voice. “Mother, Father, I’m here!” Her energetic tone lifted the Prince’s spirits, and he quickly stepped outside to meet her with a smile. “My dear Suisui, Father is here!”
Qi Wangfei couldn’t help but smile as Suisui reached out for her. Hugging her close, the Princess kissed her soft hair. There was nothing more precious.
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